SASB Inhaltsindex
Geberit uses the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Content Index to provide structured information for investors on SASB-relevant topics. In the industry classification system provided by SASB, Geberit is assigned to the SASB industry standard «Construction Materials». It covers, among others, companies that produce construction materials, such as plastic materials, for sale to construction firms or wholesale distributors, and that purchase raw materials from the mining and petroleum industries. Geberit offers customers high-quality sanitary products and concentrates on installation and flushing systems for sanitary facilities, piping systems for transporting water in buildings, as well as bathroom systems. More detailed information on Geberit’s main business activities and product range is provided online. The SASB Content Index makes reference to the Geberit Sustainability Performance Report which is presented in accordance with the GRI Standards.
SASB Construction Materials
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Accounting Metric(s) | Code | Category | Location in GRI/ Sustainability Performance Report or Response | |||
Gross global Scope 1 emissions, percentage covered under emissions-limiting regulations |
EM-CM-110a.1 |
Quantitative |
Energy and CO2 / CO2 and other emissions / Emissions in Scope 1 and 2 At present, Geberit is hardly affected by regulations limiting emissions as none of the ceramic plants are part of the EU ETS. For detailed key figures on greenhouse gas emissions, see Tables of key figures Environmental matters / CO2 emissions |
Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets |
EM-CM-110a.2 |
Discussion and Analysis |
Air Quality
Accounting Metric(s) | Code | Category | Location in GRI/ Sustainability Performance Report or Response | |||
Air emissions of the following pollutants: |
EM-CM-120a.1 |
Quantitative |
1), (2), (3), (5): Energy and CO2 / Other air emissions For detailed key figures on the environmental impact, see Tables of key figures Environmental matters / Air emissions (4), (6), (7): In terms of chemicals, producing sanitary ceramics is completely different to producing cement. For example, there is no clinkering process with related air emissions. Air emissions at Geberit primarily result from the combustion of natural gas (see positions 1, 2, 3 and 5). Therefore, these sub-disclosures are considered not to be material to our business. |
Energy Management
Accounting Metric(s) | Code | Category | Location in GRI/ Sustainability Performance Report or Response | |||
(1) Total energy consumed, |
EM-CM-130a.1 |
Quantitative |
(1), (2), (4): Energy and CO2 / Energy consumption and energy intensity
(3): Geberit does not consume energy from alternative sources, other than those mentioned under (4). For detailed key figures on the environmental impact, see Tables of key figures Environmental matters |
Water Management
Accounting Metric(s) | Code | Category | Location in GRI/ Sustainability Performance Report or Response | |||
(1) Total fresh water withdrawn, |
EM-CM-140a.1 |
Quantitative |
(1): Water / Water withdrawal and water consumption (2): Water / Waste water (3): Water / Water withdrawal and water consumption For detailed key figures on the environmental impact, see Tables of key figures Environmental matters / Water |
Waste Management
Accounting Metric(s) | Code | Category | Location in GRI/ Sustainability Performance Report or Response | |||
Amount of waste generated, percentage hazardous, percentage recycled |
EM-CM-150a.1 |
Quantitative |
Resources and circular economy / Key figures / Recycling Resources and circular economy / Key figures / Reuse of products and packaging materials Resources and circular economy / Key figures for waste For detailed key figures on the environmental impact, see Tables of key figures Environmental matters / Waste |
Biodiversity Impacts
Accounting Metric(s) | Code | Category | Location in GRI/ Sustainability Performance Report or Response | |||
Description of environmental management policies and practices for active sites |
EM-CM-160a.1 |
Discussion and Analysis |
Corporate culture / Implementation of norms and standards Procurement / Management system Geberit production sites do not endanger biodiversity in protected areas. Biodiversity plays a role when procuring mineral raw materials for ceramic production. This subject was addressed and examined as part of supplier audits. During these audits, it was found that the suppliers in this sector actively address the topic of biodiversity and take appropriate measures within the context of their licence to operate. |
Terrestrial acreage disturbed, percentage of impacted area restored |
EM-CM-160a.2 |
Quantitative |
This data is considered not to be material to our business. |
Workforce Health & Safety
Accounting Metric(s) | Code | Category | Location in GRI/ Sustainability Performance Report or Response | |||
(1) Total recordable incident rate (TRIR) and |
EM-CM-320a.1 |
Quantitative |
(1): Occupational health and safety / Accidents and days lost Tables of key figures Social matters / Occupational health and safety Tables of key figures Social matters / Absenteeism rates Occupational health and safety / Work-related illness (2): This data is currently not being collected. |
Number of reported cases of silicosis |
EM-CM-320a.2 |
Quantitative |
Product Innovation
Accounting Metric(s) | Code | Category | Location in GRI/ Sustainability Performance Report or Response | |||
Percentage of products that qualify for credits in sustainable building design and construction certifications |
EM-CM-410a.1 |
Quantitative |
Around 42% of Group sales are covered by products with an EPD. Furthermore, the timber for around 96% of Geberit bathroom furniture is sourced from certified sustainable sources. For detailed information on product innovation, see Eco-design and products |
Total addressable market and share of market for products that reduce energy, water, and/or material impacts during usage and/or production |
EM-CM-410a.2 |
Quantitative |
Since 2017, Geberit has been working on a European water label that is applicable to a range of sanitary products. For detailed information on product innovation, see Eco-design and products |
Pricing Integrity & Transparency
Accounting Metric(s) | Code | Category | Location in GRI/ Sustainability Performance Report or Response | |||
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with antitrust activities and price fixing |
EM-CM-520a.1 |
Quantitative |