Annual Report 2021

Annual Report 2021


GRI 102-11 Consideration of the precautionary approach

The precautionary approach plays an important role for Geberit as a production company. This approach is described in the Geberit Code of Conduct.

The Geberit Group has a Group certificate in accordance with ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environment) and ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety) that is valid until 2024. All production plants, central logistics, and the management company incorporating all Group functions at headquarters in Rapperswil-Jona (CH) are certified in accordance with these three standards. In addition, five German plants are certified according to ISO 50001 (energy) and nine sales companies according to ISO 9001 (quality). An audit tool developed in 2020 was successfully implemented in the reporting year. It enables the digital management of internal and external audits and provides an overview of the measures and their implementation status as part of the process improvement. The Group-wide availability of the platform makes it easier to share best practices.

The new CO2 strategy is a continuation of the successfully implemented strategy 2015-2021. The goal in the future is to continue to reduce CO2 intensity by an average of 5% per year. As such, Geberit is looking to achieve a long-term reduction in absolute CO2 emissions from 217,009 tonnes in 2021 to 136,000 tonnes by 2035. In comparison with the reference year 2015, relative CO2 emissions are to be reduced by 70% by 2030 and by 80% by 2035, while absolute CO2 emissions are envisaged to fall by 39% by 2030 and by 47% by 2035, see also 9. Planet.

In the area of occupational safety, the aim is to halve the frequency and severity of accidents by 2025 based on the reference year 2015, see also Key figures Employees and society.

The Geberit Production System (GPS) is implemented at all plants. Best-practice standards in production are uniformly implemented using methods such as SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies), TPM (Total Production Maintenance), 5S (Workplace Organisation Methodology) and CIP (Continuous Improvement Process).

An extensive system for the control and management of all risks involved in business activities is in place throughout the Group. For further information, see Business Report > Corporate Governance > Board of Directors > Information and control instruments vis-à-vis the Group Executive Board.