Geberit share information
Share price performance in the reporting year
The Geberit share price started the trading year 2024 at CHF 539.00. The share price recorded a strong adjustment in the first four months of the year and reached its annual low at the end of April. However, it then recovered strongly over the following month and reached its annual high at the end of May. At the end of the year, the share price closed at CHF 514.60, corresponding to a decrease of 4.5% across the year as a whole. In the same period, the SMI posted gains of 4.2%. Viewed over the past five years, the Geberit share posted an annual average decrease of 1.1% (SMI +1.8%). Since going public (IPO) in 1999, the average annual increase was 10.8% (SMI +1.9%).
The Geberit Group’s market capitalisation reached CHF 18.1 billion at the end of 2024.
The Geberit shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange, Zurich.
At the end of 2024, the free float as defined by the calculation method of the SIX Swiss Exchange regulation for stock and real estate indices was 95%.
Share price development
Share price development
22.6.1999 (IPO)–31.12.2024
Source: Refinitiv
Given a stable market environment, Geberit achieves high free cashflow, which is distributed to shareholders, used to repay debts and applied towards any acquisitions. The capital structure is prudently maintained, and the company strives for a solid balance sheet structure with a sufficient buffer of liquidity for the operating business. On the one hand, this policy guarantees the financial flexibility necessary to achieve growth targets, and, on the other hand, it offers investors security. Surplus liquid funds are distributed to shareholders. Geberit continued this shareholder-friendly distribution policy last year as well.
In 2024, CHF 419 million was distributed to shareholders as part of the dividend payment. As part of the concluded and of the ongoing share buyback programme, a total of 230,095 shares were acquired at a sum of CHF 121 million in the reporting year. As a result, CHF 540 million, or 88% of the free cashflow, was distributed to shareholders in 2024 as part of the dividend payment and the share buyback programmes, which equates to 3.0% of Geberit’s market capitalisation as of 31 December 2024.
Over the last five years, around CHF 3.3 billion has been paid back to shareholders in the form of distributions or share buybacks, which corresponds to 100.6% of the free cashflow in this period.
Total |
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
2020 |
Distribution |
2,085 |
419 |
424 |
433 |
405 |
404 |
Share buyback |
1,262 |
121 |
238 |
570 |
166 |
167 |
Total |
3,347 |
540 |
662 |
1,003 |
571 |
571 |
The Board of Directors will propose to the ordinary General Meeting of Geberit AG on 16 April 2025 an increase in the dividend of 0.8% to CHF 12.80. The payout ratio of 72.5% of net income is just above the 50% to 70% corridor defined by the Board of Directors.
2024 |
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
2020 |
Dividend |
12.70 |
12.60 |
12.50 |
11.40 |
11.30 |
31.12.2024 |
Registered shareholders |
50,999 |
Registered shares |
16,770,928 |
Capital stock (CHF) |
3,518,908.20 |
Number of registered shares |
35,189,082 |
Treasury shares |
2,251,589 |
Stock exchange |
SIX Swiss Exchange, Zurich |
Swiss securities identification number |
3017040 |
ISIN code |
CH0030170408 |
SIX Financial Information |
Refinitiv |
Bloomberg |
Geberit publishes current and comprehensive information simultaneously for all market participants and interested parties on the website, including ad hoc announcements. Among other things, the current version of the investor presentation is available on the website at any time. In addition, interested parties may add their names to a mailing list in order to receive the most recent information relating to the company.
CEO Christian Buhl, CFO Tobias Knechtle and the Head Corporate Communications & Investor Relations Roman Sidler are in charge of communication with shareholders, the capital market and the general public. Contact details can be found on the website in the relevant sections. Information relating to Geberit is provided in the form of regular media information, media and analysts’ conferences, as well as financial presentations.
Contact may be established at any time at
Comprehensive share information can be found at > Investors > Share
2025 |
General Meeting |
16 Apr |
Dividend payment |
24 Apr |
Interim report first quarter |
6 May |
Half-year report |
20 Aug |
Interim report third quarter |
4 Nov |
2026 |
First information 2025 |
15 Jan |
Results full year 2025 |
12 Mar |
General Meeting |
15 Apr |
Dividend payment |
21 Apr |
Interim report first quarter |
5 May |
Half-year report |
19 Aug |
Interim report third quarter |
3 Nov |