Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2024


Nataša Iršič Bedenik has been Head of Production in Ruše (SI) since 2019. Contact with employees is particularly important to her in this management role. She does a lot to achieve this.

If you accompany Nataša Iršič Bedenik through the production hall at the plant in Ruše things usually take a little longer. A few words here, a quick chat there – you can tell straight away that, as Head of Production, she likes to take time for her employees. And there are quite a few of them: 250 employees from the areas of production, logistics, planning and process technology work in her area.

A bird’s-eye view of the production line.
A bird’s-eye view of the production line.

Close to the employees

She describes her job as extremely varied – with different challenges every day. It is important for her to be close to her employees. This is one of the reasons why the mother of two works in production a few days a year. “This allows me to directly experience the problems our employees are confronted with and support them in finding solutions,” she says.

The employees know that they can come to me at any time.

Nataša Iršič Bedenik, Head of Production in Ruše (SI)

Of course, she doesn’t always have a suitable solution to hand for every problem. “But the employees know that they can come to me at any time,” says Nataša Iršič Bedenik.

Surprising leisure activity

In her free time, Nataša Iršič Bedenik pursues a wide variety of interests. The passionate skier is currently attending creative thinking courses. She says: “I like to develop my knowledge in different areas.”

Nataša Iršič Bedenik works in production a few days a year.
Nataša Iršič Bedenik works in production a few days a year.
Wherever she is, Nataša Iršič Bedenik is always easy to reach.
Wherever she is, Nataša Iršič Bedenik is always easy to reach.
A view of the production line in Ruše.