Business model
The core of Geberit's activities can be summarised as follows: “Mastering water – because people need outstanding sanitary products”. Water is fundamental for nutrition, hygiene and as a means of transportation. With its durable, innovative and resource-saving sanitary products, the Group makes a key contribution towards meeting these basic human needs. The company has been a reliable partner for the sanitary industry for over 150 years. Its expertise is based on a comprehensive understanding of how water flows and how it can be used safely and efficiently. Based on this, the products are continuously refined, setting new standards in order to make the everyday lives of people better. At the same time, the company also contributes to the further development of a healthy, thriving sanitary industry through a durable, resource-efficient sanitary infrastructure, through know-how transfer, via impetus for the economy in regional economic areas, and through strong and long-term relationships with suppliers.
Geberit offers customers high-quality sanitary products and solutions for applications in buildings. The products are used in both renovation projects and new buildings. The product portfolio consists of three product areas:
- The product area Installation and Flushing Systems comprises all sanitary installation technology plus a broad range of flushing systems for toilets including cisterns and fittings.
- The product area Piping Systems includes building drainage and supply systems and comprises all piping technology found in buildings for drinking water, heating, gas and other media.
- The Bathroom Systems product area comprises all relevant furnishings in a bathroom such as bathroom ceramics, furniture, showers, bathtubs, taps and controls and shower toilets.
For further information on the product range, see > Company > Products > Product portfolio.
The “go-to-market” model (distribution model) at Geberit is based on two principles:
- Focus on key decision-makers and customer relations: In order to build a strong reputation, close relationships are maintained with the most important market players.
- Adaptation to regional differences: The model is applied across Europe and adapted according to country-specific decision-making structures. Outside Europe, the sanitary company is primarily active in the project business. The existing high standards of quality and profitability will be maintained at all times.
Market development in the European sanitary industry is made on several levels, as shown in the following figure:
The “go-to-market” model at Geberit
Wholesalers play a key role by offering the plumber a comprehensive range of sanitary products. They ensure product availability through warehousing, a close-knit network of pick-up points as well as reliable logistics to plumbing companies and construction sites. In many countries, wholesalers also have showrooms where they can advise end users on their product selection.
At the same time, plumbing specialists receive intensive support through training and advice. In showrooms, which are operated by distributors or installation companies depending on the country, end users are given an insight into Geberit's product range. In project business, the company relies strongly on the support of BIM (Building Information Modelling), which allows for information to be shared efficiently between architects, sanitary engineers and building owners.
This marketing model allows the globally active Group to operate successfully, maintain relationships and take regional circumstances into account in a diverse and complex market environment.
In 2024, net sales amounted to a total of CHF 3,085 million (previous year CHF 3,084 million). For net sales by markets/regions as well as by product areas, see Business Report > Business and financial review > Financial Year 2024 > Net sales. Significant indicators for the creation and distribution of value can be found in the financial reporting.