Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2024


Outlook 2025

Geopolitical and macroeconomic environment

Geopolitical risks and the associated macroeconomic uncertainties have increased further. At the same time, developments such as artificial intelligence will continue to accelerate technological change. Overall, the global economy will face considerable uncertainties in 2025. While Europe is facing subdued growth prospects, possible additional US tariffs could have a negative impact on economic development in the US and on the global economy. In particular, the central banks’ forecasted interest rate cuts could come under pressure due to inflation fears. These geopolitical and macroeconomic risks are leading to corresponding uncertainties in the building construction industry.

Stabilisation of the building construction industry

Despite the uncertain environment, demand in the building construction industry is expected to stabilise overall during the course of 2025 after the sharp declines since mid-2022.

In Europe, the number of building permits in the first nine months of last year was only slightly below the prior year level at -1%, although the picture at country level was mixed. Some countries, such as the Netherlands and the Iberian Peninsula, recorded double-digit growth in the number of building permits. However, as the number of building permits in Germany, the Nordic Countries and Austria – which are important for Geberit – still declined by 12% overall, the new construction market relevant for the company is still expected to decline slightly in 2025. In contrast, a stable to slightly positive development is expected in the renovation market, which accounts for around 60% of Geberit’s business. Corresponding market indicators such as real estate transactions or real estate credit volumes are showing initial signs of a slight recovery in this area. In particular, the renovation market in Germany and the Nordic countries is expected to develop positively again for the first time after two weak years.

In the markets outside Europe in which Geberit is active, a mixed market environment is expected for 2025. Demand in India and the Gulf Region should remain high. In contrast, declines are expected in China, for example – above all due to the weak development in new residential construction.

Currencies and cost inflation

Fluctuations in the Swiss franc compared to other important currencies used by the Geberit Group will continue to affect sales and earnings. Gains and losses result mainly from the translation of local results into Swiss francs (translation effects). However, currency fluctuations generally have no significant impact on operating margins due to high natural currency hedging. Natural currency hedging entails making sure that costs in the various currencies are incurred in the same proportion in which sales are generated. With regard to the impact of foreign currency effects, please refer to the information and the sensitivity analysis in the Management of currency risks section.

In terms of costs, wage inflation for 2025 is expected to be around 4%. Moreover, Management is planning additional spending totalling CHF 20 million in 2025 on growth initiatives outside Europe and on IT and digitalisation projects. In addition, a large part of the expected costs of around CHF 40 million (of which CHF 15 million is depreciation) for the closure of the ceramics plant in Wesel (DE), which was announced in January 2025 and is planned for the end of 2026, will be incurred in 2025.


Regardless of the market environment, the focus will again be on implementing various strategic initiatives in 2025, including the following:

  • the further expansion of the piping business with the newly launched products FlowFit, Mapress Therm and SuperTube,
  • the shower toilet business, driven mainly by the entry-level model AquaClean Alba launched in 2024,
  • the consistent advancement of dedicated growth initiatives outside Europe, and
  • the optimisation of the ceramics plants through the specialisation strategy.

Both the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board are convinced that the Geberit Group is very well equipped and positioned to meet current and upcoming opportunities and challenges. This assessment is based on the stable and long-term strategy, the proven business model with strong customer relationships and the industry-leading financial stability. The strong corporate culture practised by the experienced and highly motivated employees, a number of promising growth initiatives, the products that have been launched in recent years and the promising development pipeline, a lean and customer-oriented organisation, an established cooperation based on trust with the market partners in both commerce and trade, and the Group’s continued very solid financial foundation are vital to its future success.