Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2024


10. Outlook

Group Executive Board remuneration

As part of its annual responsibilities, the NCC carefully reviewed the remuneration programmes for the Group Executive Board (GEB) during the reporting year. The review ensures continued alignment with corporate strategy, business goals, best practice in remuneration design and our shareholders’ expectations. Upon recommendation of the NCC, the Board of Directors has decided to make the following changes, which take effect as of business year 2025:

  • To make the Short-Term Participation programme (STP) a fully comprehensive participation programme, that reflects the Geberit culture, the individual performance component is replaced with the five Group performance metrics (Sales growth, EBITDA margin, EPS growth, ROIC and CO2 emissions). The Group performance metrics are newly equally weighted as 20% of the STP (2024: 16% of the STP).
  • Based on the outcome of the most recent benchmark analysis to assess Geberit's remuneration levels and remuneration mix, the total target remuneration mix has been adjusted to place greater emphasis on the Long-Term Participation programme (LTP). The LTP target (in % of the annual base salary) will be increased by 10 percentage points to 135% for the CEO and 80% for the other GEB members (2024: 125% for the CEO and 70% for the other GEB members), thereby increasing the weight of LTP and strengthening the alignment between shareholders’ and GEB’s long-term interests. With this adjustment, the LTP will constitute 47% of the total package for the CEO (2024: 45%) and 35% for the other GEB members (2024: 32%). In parallel, the annual base salary’s proportion will decrease to 35% of the total package for the CEO (2024: 36%) and 43% for the other GEB members (2024: 45%).

The aim of these changes is to further align Group Executive Board’s interests with those of our shareholders, reinforce the group participation principle underpinned by collective performance achievement and enhance transparency, while placing the remuneration mix of our Group Executive Board closer to market practice.

In addition, the Board of Directors is considering the addition of a second metric to the Long-Term Participation programme starting in 2026.