Value chain
Geberit forms part of the value chain in the building construction industry. The activities of the company have significant impacts on employees, on customers such as sanitary engineers and installers, and on end users, as well as on suppliers and transport companies. Continuous investment in the production sites in Europe, China, India and the USA, the logistics centre in Germany for installation, flushing and piping systems as well as the decentralised network of 13 European distribution centres for ceramic appliances and bathroom furniture will strengthen these individual economic areas. The know-how and Geberit's products and system solutions help to significantly reduce the burden on fresh water and drainage systems while also optimising costs and the consumption of resources.
With a focus on sustainable sanitary systems as part of the building infrastructure, the Group also lends new impetus to the building construction industry. The products and solutions, which are sold and installed worldwide, drive forward the development of sanitary technology. At the 30 Geberit Information Centres in Europe and overseas, as well as at external events, around 160,000 specialists were trained in the areas of products and their use, tools, software and installation skills in the reporting year, both physically and via digital formats. In this way, the company promotes innovation, growth and added value within its industry.
Furthermore, Geberit is an important employer for the communities around its sites and, as a training company, makes an important contribution to the quality of vocational training and to the high level of qualification. At the end of 2024, the company employed 283 apprentices, thus creating apprenticeship positions in different countries, see also Employee attraction and retention > Training and education.
The economic impact on suppliers and transport companies is also significant. In 2024, Geberit procured direct spending material amounting to CHF 850 million (previous year CHF 883 million) and had business relations with a total of 1,481 direct suppliers. The company does not have its own transport fleet and therefore generates orders for external transport companies.
For further information on management of the value chain, see Procurement as well as Business Report > Business and financial review > Financial Year 2024 > Production and Business Report > Business and financial review > Financial Year 2024 > Logistics.
Value creation – an overview
The value creation graphic indicates how the Geberit Group creates value for employees, society, customers, the environment as well as shareholders.
The long-term corporate strategy is based on four pillars:
- Focus on sanitary products
- Commitment to innovation and sustainability
- Selective geographic expansion
- Continuous optimisation
Core values such as integrity, team spirit, enthusiasm, modesty and an ability to embrace change form the basis for successful implementation of the corporate strategy. This strategy is driven forward by seven growth and earnings factors: the “go-to-market” model, technology penetration, value strategy, innovation leadership, sustainability leadership in the sanitary industry, selective technology penetration, and continuous process and cost optimisation. The corporate strategy is supplemented by a sustainability strategy, which strengthens the business model with twelve strategic topics and generates added value for employees, environment and society. The achieved results clearly show the various benefits of the measures and activities in the three dimensions of sustainability while also contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, see SDG Reporting.