Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2024


Information Technology (IT)

IT security

The Geberit Group is continually working to improve and further develop its IT (information technology) security. This includes taking defensive measures against cyberthreats as well as detecting and dealing with any cyberattacks efficiently. Extensive measures have been established in the interests of business continuity. In terms of organisation, an IT security committee consisting of the CFO (chair), Head of Operations of the Group, Head IT of the Group and Chief IT Security Officer is responsible for all relevant aspects of IT security. The Chief IT Security Officer has an internal team of IT security specialists and a network of external service providers in the field of IT security. The Group Executive Board receives intensive training on IT security twice a year, including simulations of hacker attacks. The IT security committee informs the Board of Directors at regular intervals (at least once a year) on the progress made, maturity level and planned measures in the field of IT security. All members of the Board of Directors are trained in this area and have in-depth knowledge in the fields of IT/digital/IT security.

The company’s IT systems undergo a comprehensive and detailed security check according to IT security standards – including the ongoing assessment of newly emerging risks – involving the input of external specialists on a regular basis. The latest checks confirmed a good level of security. Geberit also has a training programme on IT security in place for all new employees and for employees who have not acted appropriately during phishing tests. After consideration of costs and return, the company has not taken out an insurance policy for IT security. All in all, the Geberit Group is at least on par with industrial companies of a similar size and complexity in terms of IT security.

OneERP project

Implementation of the OneERP project – where the local IT systems and processes are adjusted to the Group ERP standard – continued successfully. In 2024, the production and logistics companies in Germany were switched to this standard. All major Group sites now work entirely according to the Group ERP standard as planned.

Establishment of an AI competence centre

In view of the rapid development and great potential of self-learning technology, Geberit started to establish a competence centre for artificial intelligence (AI) in the reporting year. In addition to the fundamental expansion of AI expertise, the team will analyse and implement transformative ideas across the Group with the goal of increasing efficiency and business success over the long term and maximising the Group-wide potential of this technology.

Further IT aspects

The Geberit IT department supports the Group in all relevant processes. In addition to the specific aforementioned initiatives, the current priority is on increasing efficiency and creating added value for the customers. Increases in efficiency will be realised through AI-based improvements in the customer relationship solution and the advanced optimisation and further use of warehousing and manufacturing execution systems in logistics and production.