Antitrust legislation
Management approach
Geberit relies on a strong governance and compliance culture that promotes transparency and ethical conduct. The protection of antitrust legislation, including the topics of anti-corruption and fair competition, is part of the norms and standards that are defined in the Code of Conduct for Suppliers, with compliance verified annually, see Business Report > Corporate Governance > Board of Directors > Information and control instruments vis-à-vis the Group Executive Board , ESG Governance and Corporate culture > Compliance with laws and regulations.
Impacts, risks and opportunities
Due to its strong market position and European market leadership in the field of sanitary products, the Group attaches particular importance to the topic of fair and free competition, and addresses this as a separate module in the sustainability strategy. Anti-competitive behaviour has a significant impact on the market and on relationships with customers, suppliers and competitors. Risks in connection with antitrust legislation include the distortion of market structures, a loss of trust, and legal and financial consequences. Conversely, opportunities can be seen in the strengthening of the company’s integrity and establishing long-term business relationships.
Measures and incidents
As a member of Transparency International Switzerland and the UN Global Compact, Geberit is required to adhere to international anti-corruption standards. The company follows a zero-tolerance approach when it comes to corruption. Regular compliance audits and a whistleblowing system help to uncover potential violations. For further information on the compliance system, see Corporate culture > Implementation of norms and standards. New employees receive training on the Code of Conduct and preventing corruption. All employees are informed regularly on internal guidelines and new training materials via the Intranet. Compliance with the guidelines is monitored at all Group companies. According to the annual survey carried out at all Geberit Group companies and the audits conducted by the Internal Audit Department, there were no cases of corruption in 2024.
In the reporting year, the antitrust legislation guidelines at the Geberit Group were fully revised and introduced taking into account current statutory requirements and institutional practice. Employees are provided with an eLearning programme for determining the basics of antitrust legislation, which was updated in the previous year. Additionally, comprehensive general and topic-related courses for the in-depth teaching of knowledge relating to antitrust legislation were continued. An internal antitrust audit was carried out at four sales companies. In the reporting year, there were no allegations, court action or fines arising from non-compliance with antitrust legislation.