Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2024


9. Information policy

Geberit maintains open and regular communication with its shareholders, the capital market and the general public, with the CEO, CFO and the Head Corporate Communications & Investor Relations as direct contacts.

Printed summary annual reports and, when requested, half-year reports are sent to shareholders. A comprehensive online version of the annual report, including a sustainability report and a remuneration report together with this corporate governance report, is available on the website at Quarterly financial statements are published. Media and analysts’ conferences are held at least once a year.

Contact may be established at any time at Contact addresses and telephone numbers for investors, media representatives and the interested public can be found on the website at under the appropriate chapters.

Interested parties may add their names to a mailing list available at in order to receive ad hoc announcements or further information relating to the company. All published media releases of the Geberit Group from recent years can be downloaded at An overview of upcoming dates and appointments can be found at

Official publications of Geberit AG shall be made in the Swiss Official Commercial Gazette (SOCG). Notices to shareholders shall be made by official publications or may also be given in such a form that allows proof by text (including electronically) to the contact details of the shareholders recorded in the share register.

For further details on the Geberit Group’s information policy, including a time schedule (containing General Meeting dates, publication dates for quarterly and half-year reports, and dividend payment dates), please refer to Geberit share information.

Geberit AG
Schachenstrasse 77
8645 Jona