Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2024


Social responsibility

Management approach

The handling of water is one of Geberit's core competencies. The company sees its key contribution to environmental and socially sustainable development in access to clean drinking water and improving hygienic standards. To do this, it is committed to high-quality products and services, innovation and professional training.

Impacts, risks and opportunities

The Geberit Group takes part in social projects with the goal of contributing to the development of disadvantaged regions. However, if this commitment is not taken seriously, this can give rise to reputation risks. As a result, the company’s social commitment focuses on its own key area – access to water and sanitary infrastructure – and is based on long-term partnerships with politically independent social institutions.

Management system

The strategy for social commitment at the company is based on two central pillars: on the one hand, on creating inclusive employment possibilities both in its own plants and in the immediate vicinity of its sites through the support of neighbouring workshops for people with disabilities (Diversity and equal opportunity); on the other, on improving the sanitary infrastructure, plus the promotion of professional training in sanitary technology in countries and regions where the sanitary infrastructure is lacking. The local companies are responsible for collaborations with local workshops. Corporate Communications in collaboration with Geberit International Sales AG is responsible for activities aimed at improving the sanitary infrastructure, hygienic standards and vocational training in poorer countries and regions.

Since 2008, Geberit has been carrying out projects with apprentices in regions with insufficient sanitation, where they renovate sanitary facilities in educational or social institutions under professional supervision. The annual project improves the quality of the sanitary infrastructure on site while also promoting the personal and professional development of the apprentices. The projects contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals SDG Reporting, particularly Goal 6 calling for “equitable access to clean drinking water and basic sanitation”.

Since 2024, Geberit has also supported the training programme in Kenya run by the Hilti Foundation and the Swiss foundation Swisscontact. In this programme, young people learn how to become sanitary specialists and electrically skilled persons over a period of two years in line with the Swiss model of dual vocational training – partly at the training centre in Karen near Nairobi, and partly at companies. The high proportion of women of around 25% among all those taking part in the training programme is impressive. With this commitment, the company makes a direct contribution to Goal 4 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in “ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education” SDG Reporting.

Projects and activities

The following projects were launched or continued in the reporting year:

  • Ten apprentices from Germany, Austria and Switzerland travelled to Cambodia and renovated the sanitary facilities at Svay Thom Primary School near Siem Reap in collaboration with the NGO “Kamboo Project”. In total, they installed twelve new toilets, five urinals and two washbasins from the Bambini series. These will benefit the 1,800 schoolchildren and 80 teachers.
  • In Karen near Nairobi, Geberit financed the construction of a training centre for plumbers and provided it with the necessary equipment. The company also supported the local apprentices with scholarships, provided coaching for the teachers and training leads, and contributed to the development of the training programme. In the reporting year, 44 apprentices successfully completed their sanitary training and around 150 apprentices started the training programme.
  • Despite the war, Geberit continued its long-standing project for supporting the professional training of plumbers in Ukraine. By mid-2024, 479 people – including 14 women – completed the training programme, with an additional 1,057 people taking part in various further training courses. 585 students started the training programme. Furthermore, 19 vocational schools were supported with material.

Infrastructure investments and promoted services

Donations and financial contributions, including product donations, totalling CHF 4.1 million (previous year CHF 3.7 million) were made in 2024.

For many years, the Geberit Group’s social commitment has been supplemented by a multitude of other initiatives at a local level, particularly in the area of inclusion. At various Group sites in Europe, such as Germany, Austria, Poland, France and Switzerland, for example, assembly and packaging work is regularly awarded to workshops for people with disabilities. In the reporting year, this work amounted to around CHF 8.9 million (previous year 9.2 million).

Since the reference year 2015, the total amount from donations and contributions to charitable organisations has increased by around 50% from CHF 8.6 million to CHF 13 million, see figure:

Donations and contributions to charitable organisations since 2015

in CHF million

2022 2023 2021 2020 2019 2015 2024 Orders to social institutions Donations and contributions 8.6 12.0 12.5 13.9 13.9 12.9 13.0 +51%

As a basic principle, all social projects carried out by Geberit are regularly checked by company employees in the respective country or in partnership with non-governmental organisations – even after the completion of the corresponding projects. All donations are neutral from a party-political point of view. No donations were made to parties or politicians. This is ensured globally as part of the annual audit of the Code of Conduct.

Further key figures can be found under Tables of key figures > Social matters.