Organisation: General information
The Geberit Group has its headquarters in Rapperswil-Jona (CH). Geberit AG, the parent company of the Geberit Group, is a stock corporation (AG) under Swiss law, see also Business Report > Corporate Governance > Group structure and shareholders.
The Group has sales companies or representative offices in 52 countries, 28 of which are located in Europe, six in the Middle East, two in North Africa, a further four in the rest of Africa, one in Australia, one in the USA and ten in Asia and Oceania. The products are sold in 120 countries throughout the world.
The Geberit Group operated 26 plants at the end of the reporting year, 22 of which are located in Europe, two in the USA, one in China and one in India. Logistics consists of a logistics centre in Pfullendorf (DE) for installation and flushing systems and piping systems as well as a network of 13 European distribution sites for ceramic appliances and bathroom furniture. For a list of the companies and the countries in which Geberit operates, see Financials > Consolidated financial statements Geberit Group > Notes > Note 32.
With 11,110 employees (previous year 10,947) Geberit generated net sales of CHF 3,085 million. For detailed key figures and further information on the workforce and its composition, employment relationship and degree of employment, see Employee attraction and retention and Tables of key figures > Social matters.