Sustainability 2024 at a glance
Eco-efficiency on track
Since the integration of the energy-intensive ceramics production in 2015, the eco-efficiency has been improved by 62.6%.
CO2 intensity since 2015 reduced further
Since the acquisition of the energy-intensive ceramics production in 2015, we have succeeded in reducing CO2 intensity by 63.2%.

Gold rating from EcoVadis
The Geberit Group was once again awarded the Gold rating from EcoVadis for its sustainability management. This puts the Group in the top five percent of the more than 150,000 companies assessed.
On the road with renewable energy
Geberit relies on hydroelectric, wind and solar power when it comes to electricity. In 2023 , around 79% of electricity came from renewable energy sources.
Saving water
Thanks to Geberit dual-flush and stop-and-go cisterns, water consumption for toilet flushing per household has decreased since 1952 by around 80%.
Inclusive workplaces
People with disabilities are part of the company: in 2024, there were 255 internal and 358 external full-time jobs. In total, they represent 5.3% of all employees.

Hard at work for better hygiene
Ten apprentices renovated the sanitary facilities in a primary school near Siem Reap in Cambodia. 1800 schoolchildren benefit from these improvements.
More than 200 eco-design workshops
Over 200 new products have been developed in line with the eco-design principle since 2007. Every new product should be better than its predecessor from an ecological perspective.

Professionals for Kenya
In collaboration with the Hilti Foundation and Swisscontact, Geberit is developing a training programme for plumbers in Kenya.