Annual Report 2021

Annual Report 2021


GRI 102-47 List of material topics

The materiality analysis is the basis of the Geberit sustainability strategy. Aspects are deemed material if they are significant for Geberit from the internal perspective of the company and/or the external perspective of stakeholders and/or have significant economic, environmental or social effects. A differentiated assessment according to these different dimensions is not carried out. Instead, it is determined which topics are ultimately judged to be material following consultation with stakeholders, experts and management. The topics that Geberit identified as material in the economic, environmental and social dimensions can be seen in a dynamic chart.

The following topics were identified as not material or as not requiring any action:

GRI aspects that are not material or not requiring any action



Procurement practices (in the narrower sense in connection with local suppliers)


Collaboration with local suppliers has no strategic significance for Geberit. Criteria such as reliability and price, quality and sustainability etc. are material, whereas the supplier’s proximity to the production site is not (except in a handful of individual cases). As a result, there is no preferential treatment of local suppliers or special criteria for them.



As part of its reporting, Geberit provides information on income taxes, see Note 25 in the consolidated financial statements. Further discussion on the topic of taxes is not considered as material.



Geberit production sites do not endanger biodiversity in protected areas. Biodiversity plays a role when procuring mineral raw materials for ceramic production. This subject was addressed and examined as part of supplier audits. During these audits, it was found that the suppliers in this sector actively address the topic of biodiversity and take appropriate measures within the context of their licence to operate.

Labour/management relations (in the narrower sense of formal notice periods)


Geberit cultivates transparent internal communication and a close dialogue between management and employees. There are no formally binding agreements on communication in case of severe measures.

Security practices


Geberit is not active in any countries where special security precautions have to be taken.

Indigenous rights


Geberit is not active in any countries or regions where the rights of indigenous people are endangered.

Local communities


The production sites do not entail special risks for local communities or adverse effects on the neighbourhood. Geberit attaches great importance to maintaining good relations with its neighbours in the vicinity of its production sites. Continuous exchanges with authorities and the local community are part of this process. Social commitment which also benefits local communities is described in the relevant chapter.



No support is given to political parties or politicians. Participation in the political process is confined to membership in certain associations and is therefore limited.