Market environment
Market environment impacted by increased interest rates and construction costs as well as Covid-19 pull-forward effects in previous years
The building construction sector saw a decline in most regions in 2023 due to increased interest rates and construction costs.
In November 2023, the construction market research network Euroconstruct forecasted a decrease in building construction for Europe in 2023 of -3.1%, lower than the previous estimation made in mid-2023 (-2.0%). At -5.2%, new construction showed a sharper decline than renovations (-1.3%) in the November forecast. The decline was primarily due to residential construction (-4.9%), with non-residential construction remaining stable compared to the previous year. Countries that are important to Geberit in terms of sales developed slightly to significantly negatively in 2023: Switzerland -1.6%, Germany -2.8%, Austria -3.7%, Norway -3.9%, Italy -4.5%, Denmark -8.5%, Finland -11.3% and Sweden -14.8%. Only the Iberian Peninsula recorded positive growth (Spain +1.8%, Portugal +0.9%), while the Netherlands saw a stable development (+0.3%).
Construction output and Geberit net sales in Europe
(Index: 2018 = 100)
Of the total European construction volume of EUR 2,070 billion in 2023, around 80% was generated by building construction. The ratio of residential to non-residential building construction remained the same at around 60% to 40%. New construction as a share of total building construction continued to lag behind the renovation business in 2023.
Total construction output Europe
(EUR 2,070 billion)
According to estimates by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, real gross domestic product (GDP) increased by +2.5% in the USA (previous year +1.9%), while inflation declined to +3.4% (previous year +6.5%) according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. According to figures from the United States Census Bureau, investments in building construction increased slightly year-on-year by +0.9%. Within building construction, investments in residential construction decreased by -5.6%, while investments in non-residential construction increased by +21.2%. The healthcare/hospitals and schools/universities segments, which are important for Geberit, developed with +14.9% and +13.4% more positively compared to the previous year (+8.8% and +1.1%, respectively).
In the Far East/Pacific region, economic growth amounted to +4.2% in the reporting year, above the global economic development of +2.6%. With a share of around 58%, the largest proportion of global economic growth again originated from the Far East/Pacific region. At +5.0%, China recorded stronger growth compared to the previous year (+3.0%), although this figure is lower than the average of recent years. The real estate crisis in China had a negative impact on residential construction in 2023.
In the Middle East/Africa region, economic growth in 2023 was +2.5% (previous year +5.4%).
(The aforementioned figures covering the world economy and the performance of the Far East/Pacific and Middle East/Africa regions were published in the October 2023 edition of the IMF World Economic Outlook)