Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023


Anti-corruption (GRI 205)

Management approach anti-corruption

As a member of Transparency International Switzerland and the UN Global Compact, Geberit is committed to high standards in combating corruption. Corruption is categorically rejected. By preventing corruption and encouraging fairness, transparency and accountability, Geberit is able to protect the interests of various stakeholders such as employees, customers, suppliers, owners and communities. Incidents of corruption can have negative consequences, such as obstructing fair market structures, distorting competition, as well as a loss of trust and negative social impacts on society. In addition, violations can harbour legal risks for Geberit that can lead to fines and even harm the reputation of the company in the event of a high media presence. Geberit minimises risks and assumes responsibility as a trustworthy and reliable partner for customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.

For prevention there are clear, internal donation guidelines, and employees receive training in this area. Compliance with the guidelines is monitored as part of an annual survey at all Group companies. In addition, the Internal Audit Department conducts on-site audits. In the event of misconduct, corrective measures are taken. For further information about the compliance system, see GRI 2-24.

Operations subjected to reviews on the risk of corruption (GRI 205-1)

The annual survey at all Group companies contains a range of questions aiming to identify incidents of corruption. The topic of corruption is also a component of the audit programme for the periodic inspections of the production plants, sales, logistics and management companies by the Internal Audit Department. The annual audit planning of the Internal Audit Department is risk-oriented. Each company is audited at least every five years, or considerably more frequently if it has a high-risk profile. In 2023, the Internal Audit Department audited a total of 20 companies.

Communication and training on anti-corruption (GRI 205-2)

All new employees at Geberit are trained on the Code of Conduct as part of the Welcome events. Among other things, specific training films on the topics of corruption, IT misuse, workplace bullying and sexual harassment are deployed especially for this.

All employees also receive information via the intranet about what is permitted and what is not. The guidelines on the correct handling of donations (i.e. anti-corruption guidelines) are updated regularly and made accessible to the affected employees in Purchasing and Sales via the various communication channels.

Incidents of corruption (GRI 205-3)

According to the annual survey carried out at all Group companies and the audits conducted by the Internal Audit Department, there were no cases of corruption in 2023.