Business year 2023 at a glance

Significantly increased operating margins
The EBITDA margin increased by 310 basis points to 29.9% – and this in a difficult market environment with significantly lower volumes and considerable wage inflation.
Markedly higher investments
In 2023, CHF 197 million was invested in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets as part of the strategic stability – 27.1% more than in the previous year.

Intensified market cultivation activities in a difficult market environment
The sales force of the local sales companies intensified customer contacts in a difficult market environment – both in person and digitally.
CO2 emissions significantly reduced again
The medium-term reduction goal for relative CO2 emissions was clearly exceeded at -15.6%.

Optimising water consumption is of utmost importance
Reducing water consumption in the product use phase is Geberit's greatest lever for contributing to sustainable development.
Productivity at a very high level
Capacity adjustments as a consequence of operational flexibility made it possible to maintain productivity at the plants at a high level despite lower volumes.

Top flushing-out performance: the Acanto WC
Due to the optimally coordinated components, the flushing performance of the Acanto WC is up to ten times higher than the requirements of international standards.
Like looking into a kaleidoscope: Cube Berlin
An office building looking like a dice in Berlin impresses with its reflective façade and is characterised by sustainable building management.