Geberit FlowFit – a big hit in Europe

The Geberit FlowFit supply system has quickly become a bestseller in many European countries. There are several good reasons for this. Let’s take a look at four projects in four different countries.
Geberit FlowFit is a supply system that allows for an ideal installation process. Thanks to its easy, intuitive processing, Geberit FlowFit ensures a completely new experience in sanitary installation.
Rymarksvænget (DK)
Geberit launched the new Geberit FlowFit piping system in Denmark in April 2022. The renovation of 430 apartments at Rymarksvænget began shortly afterwards – with Geberit FlowFit. The system convinced the plumbers as only two pressing jaws are needed for pressing up to eight different pipe dimensions during installation.

Salderatzen (DE)
A country estate in the German village of Salderatzen is the site of a project that wants to make a big difference. The goal here is to bring together people from all walks of life so that they inspire one another – the dream is to make the world a better place. Before this could happen, the old houses and their drinking water systems had to be renovated. Efficient, reliable installation was essential – which is where Geberit FlowFit came in.
Reinach (CH)
Kaltband AG are specialists in cold rolling metal that is used to make products like saws and knives. The company from Reinach needed a new factory building. Geberit FlowFit was used for the sanitary and heating installations here. The plumbers had to install a good two kilometres of pipes at heights not seen every day. As the pressing points are found on the side of the fittings, they were easier to reach.

Fjälkinge (SE)
Heating or cooling warehouses is essential when significant seasonal temperature fluctuations are in play. Geberit FlowFit was used for the heating and cooling system at a warehouse in Fjälkinge in Sweden – and all in a wide range of dimensions. Not having to carry a separate tool for pressing each pipe dimension is music to the ears of any plumber.