Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023



Management approach logistics

Group logistics comprises the central logistics centre for installation and flushing systems and piping systems in Pfullendorf (DE) as well as a decentralised network of 13 European distribution sites for ceramic appliances and bathroom furniture.

Geberit attaches great importance to central transport management in order to enable cost- and resource-optimised transport solutions. Customers generally receive orders in a single truck delivery. This not only reduces the number of empty kilometres, it also increases truck capacity utilisation and reduces CO2 emissions.

Geberit does not have its own transport fleet, having outsourced this to external transport service providers. Intercompany and distribution logistics play a major part in Geberit’s environmental impact, amounting to a significant proportion of the total figure. Cooperation with the transport service providers is therefore of key importance. Partners agree to actively support Geberit in its efforts to use energy and packaging material efficiently and to reduce emissions. Furthermore, the partners support Geberit by providing the data needed for the environmental reporting. Developed in 2010 and continuously expanded since then, the logistics calculator facilitates the annual capture of data on the vehicle fleet composition, transportation performance and fuel consumption of all transport service providers, as well as the preparation of the eco-balance.

Geberit constantly improves its logistics processes, optimises quality and productivity, and reduces the impact on the environment, see Sustainability strategy. Since 2015, Geberit has managed to improve the eco-efficiency of its logistics operations (environmental impact per tkm) by 28%.

The situation in logistics largely stabilised in the reporting year. Group logistics at Geberit was already able to reach the desired availability targets for the entire product range at the start of the year, and also maintained this at all times throughout the year as a whole. It was possible to supply customers with the entire range of products at the high level they have come to expect.

In the reporting year, a new system for optimising and automating how ceramic sets are put together was put into operation in logistics, achieving significant increases in productivity. The desired results were achieved shortly after commissioning, not least in terms of ergonomics and reducing the physical workload on employees.

For further information, see Business Report > Business and financial review > Financial Year 2023 > Logistics. For information on the eco-balance of logistics, see GRI 302-2.