Annual Report 2022

Annual Report 2022


10. Blackout periods

The ordinary blackout periods are determined at the beginning of each calendar year by the CFO in consultation with the CEO in relation to the publication of the quarterly, half-year and annual financial statements. For 2022, the following periods (26 weeks in total) were defined as blackout periods (non-trading windows):

  • 01.01.2022 – 13.01.2022
  • 21.01.2022 – 09.03.2022
  • 01.04.2022 – 04.05.2022
  • 01.07.2022 – 18.08.2022
  • 01.10.2022 – 03.11.2022

Addressees of the ordinary blackout periods are, on the one hand, members of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board of Geberit as well as Geberit employees who, due to their employment duties and responsibilities, regularly deal with insider information or information covered by the regulation on ad hoc publicity (e.g. employees of Controlling or Communications). On the other hand, the ordinary blackout periods also address Geberit employees who have access to insider information due to their employment duties or factual circumstances (e.g. employees of IT). The addressees of the ordinary blackout periods are listed in a table that is continuously updated by the CFO. Extraordinary blackout periods are determined individually by the CEO or the CFO after prior consultation with the Chairman of the Board of Directors in the event of circumstances that may qualify as insider information.

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