Flushing with Phoenix – day after day

An original Phoenix wooden cistern from Geberit is still doing its job reliably in the Swiss city of Winterthur.
When sanitary specialists hear the word Phoenix, their thoughts first turn to the pioneering wooden cistern and not the immortal bird from Greek mythology. Developed back in 1905 by Albert Emil and Leo Gebert – sons of the company founder – the forefather of all flushing cisterns laid the foundation for the future growth of Geberit.
Age unknown
One of these Phoenix models is still in action in the 2 two-square-metre guest bathroom of a sprightly pensioner in Winterthur (CH). The owner has no idea about how old the wooden cistern with lead lining and lead fittings is. All she knows is that it was already there when she bought the house back in 1983.
“I’ll keep servicing the wooden cistern for as long as possible”
Plumber Paul Bosshard immediately accepted the job of bringing the old yet still functional Phoenix cistern up to scratch. The experienced craftsman thoroughly descaled and cleaned the float valve and flush valve. And what does the saviour of this historical gem have to say? “I’ll keep servicing the Geberit wooden cistern for as long as possible.”