Annual Report 2022

Annual Report 2022


The Adriatic team is made up of people from eight countries. The common goal is to establish the Geberit brand. This feat is something that succeeds anew every day.

Vladimir Kukina stands on the steps of a winery on the Istrian peninsula in Croatia, listening to a speech by Miran Medved, the Managing Director of Geberit Adriatic. At this team event, colleagues from Geberit Adriatic are honouring him before he starts his retirement aged 70. Since 1999, the engineer has been devoting his knowledge and skills to the Geberit brand on the Balkan peninsula. He will miss Geberit, this much is clear: “Geberit Adriatic is my family.”

One became eight

A statement like this may come as a surprise. It is not a foregone conclusion that 56 people who represent a total of eight countries, with seven languages and four religions can make up a team that works together so constructively. Especially when you remember that this region was the scene of violent conflict until just 25 years ago. How can you work together as a team with this past?

Employees having lunch in a Mediterranean garden
Employees and retired colleagues from the Adriatic team meet up every year.
The first five members of Geberit Adriatic and the current Managing Director Miran Medved standin next to each-other
This is how it all started: the first five members of Geberit Adriatic with the current Managing Director Miran Medved (far right).
Vladimir Kukina, the first Geberit employee in the Adriatic region
Vladimir Kukina is the first Geberit employee in the Adriatic region. “Geberit is my family,” he explains.

Eight becomes one

“From the very beginning, we had just one focus  and that was work,” Vladimir Kukina says in answer to this question. This consistent focus is part of the reason behind the success in the Adriatic region. What started out as an independent company with five employees in 2001 has now become Geberit Adriatic, with 56 employees making annual sales of tens of millions of euros. Geberit is now an established brand in the region.

From the very beginning, we had just one focus and that was work.

Vladimir Kukina, former member of Geberit Adriatic

Responsibility and trust

Managing Director Miran Medved summarises the other part of the success story: “Responsibility and trust”. He explains: “We all know about our differences, which is exactly why we put an emphasis on our solidarity, work together on potentials and strengths, and cultivate the team spirit.”