Annual Report 2022

Annual Report 2022



Geberit aims to position itself as an attractive employer, and strives to offer jobs of the highest quality. The corporate culture at Geberit is characterised by a simple, functional organisation as well as a high degree of personal responsibility. In this way, Geberit motivates every employee in exploiting their potential to the full and contributing to the success of the company.

An employee survey carried out in 2021 confirmed that Geberit offers attractive working conditions and that the employees demonstrate an above-average level of both motivation and loyalty. The Group-wide participation rate was 79%. For further information, see Business Report > Business and financial review > Financial Year 2022 > Employees.

Geberit’s most important ambassadors are its employees. They represent Geberit in their day-to-day contact with customers and many other stakeholders. To do so, they need to be aware of what their company stands for and what its objectives are. Geberit continues to develop its internal communication with employees accordingly, for example with the launch of a mobile app for the Geberit Intranet (GIN) in 2020 with which employees in production can also be reached. As the employees embody the company and its values, Geberit has defined its central corporate and brand values in the Geberit Compass. Geberit aims to act as a role model for ethically unimpeachable, environmentally friendly and socially responsible operations. The Geberit Code of Conduct fills this objective with tangible content and offers an authoritative source of guidance.

Committed, well-trained employees with comprehensive know-how are decisive to the company’s future success. Geberit positions itself on the job market as an employer with an open corporate culture and international development opportunities at the interface between craft, engineering and sales. Potential employees are increasingly being addressed via digital channels. Whilst classic job advertisements and direct contact are still used, employee portraits and success stories are also utilised, see > Insights. This is increasingly taking place via short films.

The responsibility for all material aspects of the GRI Standards with respect to labour practices at the Geberit Group lies with the Head Corporate Human Resources, who reports directly to the CEO.