17. Participation plans
The total personnel expense arising from the Geberit participation plans is presented in the table below:
2024 |
2023 |
Share plan |
3.5 |
3.5 |
Option plan |
8.8 |
8.2 |
Total |
12.3 |
11.7 |
Share plans
In 2024, employees were able to purchase a defined number of shares at a discount of 35% (PY: 35%) compared to the market price (“Employee share purchase plan”). Geberit management was entitled to draw the previous year’s variable remuneration partly or entirely in shares valued at market price (“Management share purchase plan”). For each of these shares, management participants received 2 options (see part 2: “Option plans”). The members of the Board of Directors received a significant part of their compensation for 2023 in shares of Geberit AG (measured at current market value). All share plans are subject to blocking periods valid beyond the period of employment.
The share plans introduced in 2024 are summarised below:
End of blocking period |
Number of participants |
Number of shares issued |
Issuing price |
Employee share purchase plan (ESPP) |
2026 |
2,800 |
18,155 |
333.60 |
Management share purchase plan (MSPP) |
2027 |
100 |
11,014 |
513.20 |
Board of Directors compensation |
2028 |
6 |
2,766 |
513.20 |
Total |
31,935 |
The 31,935 shares required for these plans were taken from the stock of treasury shares.
As at 31 December 2024, the Board of Directors, the Group Executive Board and the employees owned a combined total of 417,854 (PY: 421,171) shares, i.e. 1.2% (PY: 1.2%) of the share capital of Geberit AG under these plans.
Option plans
The management has the opportunity to invest part or all of their variable remuneration in shares of Geberit AG through the management share purchase plan (MSPP). They may define a fixed number of shares to purchase, or a certain amount or a percentage of their variable remuneration to be invested in shares. In order to encourage management to participate in the programme in 2024, two free options are provided for each share purchased through the programme. These options are subject to a vesting period of three years.
In connection with the management stock option programme (MSOP), the members of the Group Executive Board and the Group management are entitled to additional options. The purpose of the MSOP is to establish a long-term incentive that ensures long-term value creation for the company, alignment of the interests of executives to those of shareholders and long-term retention of executives. At the beginning of the vesting period, share options are allocated at fair market value. The share options vest after a period of 3 years, subject to the achievement of a performance criterion, the average Return on Invested Capital (ROIC), over the respective vesting period.
The exercise price of the options corresponds to the fair market value of the Geberit shares at the time of granting. The options have a term of ten years (MSPP & MSOP). They can be exercised between the vesting date and the maturity date.
The following numbers of options out of the 2024 grant are allocated with final effect at the end of the vesting period depending on target achievement (average ROIC):
Vesting period |
Maturity |
Number of participants |
Number of granted options |
Exercise price |
Management share purchase plan (MSPP) |
2024–2027 |
2034 |
100 |
22,028 |
527.65 |
Option plan (MSOP) |
2024–2027 |
2034 |
179 |
168,640 |
527.65 |
Total |
190,668 |
The fair value per option granted in 2024 as at February 2024 amounted on average to CHF 67.12 (PY: CHF 65.25) for MSPP and CHF 67.12 (PY: CHF 65.25) for MSOP at the respective granting date. The fair value was determined using the binomial model for “American Style Call Options”.
The calculation model was based on the following parameters:
Exercise price |
Expected Ø volatility |
Expected Ø dividend yield |
Contractual period |
Risk-free Ø interest rate |
% |
% |
Years |
% |
Management share purchase plan (MSPP) |
527.65 |
23.14 |
2.44 |
10 |
1.11 |
Option plan (MSOP) |
527.65 |
23.14 |
2.44 |
10 |
1.11 |
The exercise price corresponds to the average price of Geberit shares for the period from 29 February to 27 March 2024. The expected volatility is calculated based on historical volatility observed over a period consistent with the expected life of the options.
The following table summarises all option plans in place as at 31 December 2024:
End of vesting period |
Maturity |
Number of options outstanding |
Ø exercise price |
Number of options in the money |
Ø exercise price |
Vested |
2025–2030 |
851,025 |
464.48 |
667,059 |
435.48 |
2025 |
2032 |
228,379 |
584.10 |
0 |
0.00 |
2026 |
2033 |
188,387 |
504.45 |
188,387 |
504.45 |
2027 |
2034 |
189,418 |
527.65 |
0 |
0.00 |
Total |
1,457,209 |
496.61 |
855,446 |
450.67 |
The following movements took place in 2024 and 2023:
Total 2024 |
Total 2023 |
Number of options |
Ø exercise price |
Number of options |
Ø exercise price |
Number of options |
Ø exercise price |
Number of options |
Ø exercise price |
Outstanding 1 January |
1,199,332 |
486.71 |
114,902 |
513.59 |
1,314,234 |
489.06 |
1,154,876 |
485.09 |
Granted options |
168,640 |
527.65 |
22,028 |
527.65 |
190,668 |
527.65 |
188,985 |
504.45 |
Forfeited options |
0 |
0.00 |
154 |
435.95 |
154 |
435.95 |
2,175 |
520.68 |
Expired options |
1,718 |
530.29 |
0 |
0.00 |
1,718 |
530.29 |
0 |
0.00 |
Exercised options |
38,116 |
402.62 |
7,705 |
436.20 |
45,821 |
408.27 |
27,452 |
425.57 |
Outstanding 31 December |
1,328,138 |
494.27 |
129,071 |
520.70 |
1,457,209 |
496.61 |
1,314,234 |
489.06 |
Exercisable at 31 December |
635,132 |
435.62 |
31,927 |
432.61 |
667,059 |
435.48 |
713,034 |
433.73 |
The 1,457,209 options outstanding represent 4.1% of the outstanding shares of Geberit AG. In principle, the Group hedges this exposure with treasury shares.
The options outstanding as at 31 December 2024 had an exercise price of between CHF 361.75 and CHF 584.10 and an average remaining contractual life of 5.7 years (PY: 6.1 years).